Automatic Server Failover
In case of a hardware failure, your websites and applications will automatically switch to a functioning cloud instance without interruption.
Secure and accelerate your websites and applications within minutes by hosting on Genius Host Cloud. Instantly turn on performance and security services for your websites and applications.
Our web hosting plans include LiteSpeed Enterprise, a secure and high-speed web server that can serve content faster than Apache and Nginx.
Advanced email management features in DirectAdmin allow you to manage your emails, mailing lists and more without hassles.
DirectAdmin is the leading alternative to cPanel, offering a powerhouse of functionality at a fraction of the cost.
Hundreds of features you need for one low price of $18.99/month!
Install a Shopping Cart, Photo Gallery, Blog, or any other module in just a few clicks. 450+ Scripts - Powered by Softaculous.
We use industry-leading technologies that will make your website really fast!
In case of a hardware failure, your websites and applications will automatically switch to a functioning cloud instance without interruption.
Having three copies of your data simultaneously strengthens its integrity and availability, ensuring reliable protection for your hosted content.
A web server that can serve static content up to 5x faster, dynamic content up to 40x faster and HTTPS up to 3x faster than Apache or NGINX.
Boost your website's performance dramatically by reducing latency and delivering high IOPS, ensuring constant maximum performance.
Easy-to-use dashboard to manage your WordPress websites and integrated cache to increase performance. Make your Wordpress pages load at light speed.
Are you moving from a cPanel host? Our technician will migrate your data and ensure zero downtime throughout the process.
Our servers are packaged with multiple versions of Python to give you the utmost flexibility. You can select between Python 2.7 to 3.7 from your control panel.
Our servers are packaged with multiple versions of Node.js to give you the utmost flexibility. You can select between Node.js 6 to 11 from your control panel.